Ohio Gas Association Strategic Priorities: All work of the Association and its Committees is built on a foundation of Safety First for the Public, for Customers and for Members’ Employees.
Priority 1: Public Safety and Customer Satisfaction
- Promote and support high standards for public safety in the natural gas industry.
- Promote and support comprehensive worker safety programs and activities.
- Promote and maintain programs enhancing quality customer service.
- Promote and maintain ethical conduct within and among Members and between Members and the public.
Priority 2: Education, Outreach and Public Awareness Initiative
- Promote and support renewable and sustainable natural gas initiatives and partnership with providers of renewable energy resources.
- Promote and support environmentally responsible policies and operations for Members.
- Create and deliver positive messaging supporting positions beneficial to the natural gas industry in Members’ communities through traditional and social media.
- Proactively address misinformation campaigns that mischaracterize Members individually, collectively or the natural gas industry as a whole unfavorably through positive messaging and “fact-checking.”
- Assist Members in maintaining compliance with all applicable public awareness regulations and best practices.
Priority 3: Information Exchange
- Expand opportunities between Member Companies to grow mutual understanding and cooperation.
- Committees meet on a scheduled basis.
- Committee activities include adoption of committee objectives; Committee Chairs meet and communicate pending issues; Subject Matter Experts are included in committee membership and committee meeting minutes are shared with the Membership.
- OGA Staff and Committee Chairs maintain liaison with industry counterpart organizations (i.e., AGA, MEA, SGA, OOGA, APGA, API, KGA, and PEA) as appropriate to Association focus.
- Serve Members as a trustworthy source of reliable information regarding intrastate transmission and distribution of natural gas in Ohio.
- Facilitate timely sharing of information about Association activities within member companies.
Priority 4: Technical Education and Training
- Sponsor seminars, conferences, and training programs to share the latest technologies and information germane to Members, to foster personal development, and enhance job performance.
- Advocate for statewide Operator Qualification for covered tasks.
- Promote uniform positions on proposed technical changes to industry standards.
- Assist Members in commenting on technical aspects of changes to industry regulatory requirements and standards.
- Provide Members a forum for technical exchange on industry regulatory requirements and standards.
Priority 5: Regulatory and Legislative Activities
- Track status and advise Members on pending rulemaking and proposed legislation on local, state and federal levels potentially affecting Members on a regular basis.
- Participate in pending rulemaking and proposed legislative proceedings on behalf of the Membership as proposed by the Regulatory and Legislative Affairs Committees on issues of common interest.
- Initiate and maintain constructive relationships with key contacts in regulatory agencies and offices of elected legislators as appropriate.
- Encourage participation in the Ohio Gas Association Federal and State Political Action Committee.